Inlägg av fredagmorgon

Quicksearch aktuell i trendspaning

IT-tjänsteföretaget Sigma ger ut trendspaningen Magnet vilken har som syfte att förmedla inspiration och ge exempel på innovativa lösningar. I första numret för 2016 intervjuas vår VD Göran Almén om hur man bäst vårdar relationen till sina kunder. Många företag glömmer bort att kontinuerligt vårda relationen till sina kunder men slår på stora trumman när […]

Attracting millennials

Attracting millennials. The formally called Generation Y now goes under the name millennials. The persons that are born after 1985 is the ones called millennials. Their way of thinking and act differ from earlier generations, which will change the way we work, and certainly many other parts of society. This group is more independent, wants […]

Create an attractive employer…

Create an attractive employer… A unifying concept around attract, motivate, and retaining your staff is employer branding. It has both an external and an internal focus – attracting new talents and at the same time as maintaining and developing the ones you already have. The last ten years, employer branding has become an increasingly common […]

Prosales and Quicksearch help sales organizations to measure Win/Loss

The feedback company Quicksearch and the Sales Management company Prosales strikes a strategic cooperation Thanks to Prosales long experience and research in B2B sales and what characterizes successful sales organizations in combination with Quicksearch’s established feedback solutions and market leading position in NPS programs, has an unique analysing tool to measure and follow up Win/Loss been […]

Come and listen to Quicksearch at the Customer Loyaltly Conference

For the forth-consecutive year Quicksearch is participating at the Customer Loyalty Conference, the big meeting place for you that works with customer relationship and customer loyalty. The conference is being held at Rival in Stockholm the 24 September and this year the focus will be digital customer experience and how you can strengthen your customer […]

Exciting meetings at Executive Forum HR & Leadership

At the Executive Forum HR & Leadership which took place May 12, 2015 at Courtyard by Marriot in Stockholm leading decision makers in HR from all over Sweden gathered. The day offered inspiring; interesting seminars and discussion groups in the HR field and the participants had the opportunity to meet current solution providers at the […]