A Customer Support that Strengthens Relationships


A recent study from the University of Karlstad on The Role of Customer Support Service in Relationship Strengthening shows strong support for the importance of a good support experience. Customer wants to get good help when needed and those that can give it to their customers enjoys stronger sales, more loyal customers and more new customers through recommendation. For companies with internal support reduced internal criticism wich leads to easier handeling of support errands.

Support Customer Experiences – What should you consider?
Continuous monitoring support errands – by asking, was your case resolved in a satisfactory manner, it is possible to rescue the failed situations when they occur and before the customer support widespread dissatisfaction.
Questions directly in mail gives high response rate – by directly in the email to ask a question if the matter had been resolved in a satisfactory manner, lowering the threshold to start answering, respondent notice that there is a short survey and response rates are high.
• Customers who are satisfied with the support are more profitable – a support with high recommendation rate (Net promoter score +30) drives customer loyalty, increase sales and customer acquisition.
Developed with the help of feedback system with workflow. With the inbox functionality replies can be easily rearranged into different sections to be handled, contacted and classified.
Healing will be contacted based on their answers. Several independent studies show that customers who are contacted if they indicated their dissatisfaction leads to

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