Net Promoter Score
NPS Benchmark Tourist Countries 2025 is a Swedish benchmark study with values for 48 different tourist countries that Swedes travel to on holiday. The report shows NPS points for the 24 largest tourist countries and the average all countries allocated. The Analysis Portal also contains some important demographic background data per country such as age, region, marital status, tourist categories (budget, safety, or premium travelers), etc.
Relationship Drivers
Each Tourist Country is measured on a number of relationship drivers. These drivers or factors map a tourist’s overall relationship with a brand / country and how the brand perception has been affected by previous experiences. The report presents all relationship drivers per Turistland in a benchmark with the industry’s worst and best results and with the industry average for each relationship driver.
Tourism Industry Drivers
Each Tourist Country is measured on a number of industry-specific driving factors. These are adapted to the specific conditions of the tourism industry, and constitute a measure of how satisfied customers are with specific aspects of the tourist countries’ product or service within a particular industry or sector.
While the average scores give a good idea of a country’s performance on different loyalty drivers, it is also worth taking into account the importance of each driving factor. Significance here means its probable effect of influencing a customer’s propensity to recommend a country / brand. Important driving forces have a stronger association with the probability of recommending. Improvements in these aspects are likely to have a greater impact on customer loyalty than improvements in aspects that customers place a lower value on. To obtain these relationships, a correlation analysis is performed (Pearson’s r) of each individual driving factor with the probability to recommend; NPS.
In the reporting, this correlation analysis is performed for each Tourist Country on each individual relationship and industry driver, which provides answers to how the individual driving factor affects loyalty (i.e. NPS).