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Nordic Bench is a modern analysis of the market and is based on Net Promotor Score
NPS shows if you get recommended. A high NPS drives the growth and profitability
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A CX program implements a customer focused culture straight that permeates the whole organization. In all decisions that is taken are the customer’s perspective integrated. Those companies that figures out how you put the customer experience at the centre experience great returns and growth.
The main parts of a CX program are:
Committed Leadership: Passion for a customer-focused culture begins at the top. Without understanding from the CEO there is low probability to create an effect for customer-focused initiative.
Vision: Your vision for CX must be so specific that everyone in the organization can easily understand the common goal.
Employee commitment: Committed and passionate employees are crucial for long-term success and a customer-focused company. To really engage your staff, you must first understand them and you do that with an eNPS program.
Customer feedback: A systematic method for gathering of customer feedback is the key to develop and improve the customer experience. Since the data can be gathered through several channels it’s important to use a platform that can be used continuously throughout the organization.
Actions: Feedback that has been gathered in a CX program must lead towards activities and action. Far from every survey results that is analysed eventually end up in a report and the manager’s desk. No, the feedback shall be obtained when the feeling is fresh and can be acted upon immediately.
Patience: To build a customer centred culture isn’t something that you do over a night; it’s something that is build iteratively through several years.
1) Because the customer experience control our desire to recommend to others.
2) Because customers that get an exceptional experience creates growth by shopping more and “sell” to others. Recommendations are the single strongest influence on purchasing decisions.
3) Because in todays transparent world you can’t get away with poor quality. The customer has more power than every before and affect each other e.g. through social media.
4) Because continuous feedback from customers and employees is the most effect tool to improve and effectives the organization.